3 April 2013

RGS Business Hours

Changing RGS Business hours
Below script used to change (or ADD) the business hours to 7:30 - 17:00 Monday to Friday

# Author: PB
# Purpose: Script to Changing RGS Business hours
# Version: 1.0
# 03/04/2013 - Release 1.0
# Instructions
# Edit the below variables to match your requirements

$weekday = New-CsRgsTimeRange -Name "Service Desk - 7 to 7" -OpenTime "7:00" -CloseTime "19:00"

New-CsRgsHoursOfBusiness -Parent "service:ApplicationServer:LXLLS2013FE.lexel.local" -Name "Service Desk - 7 to 7" -MondayHours1 $weekday -TuesdayHours1 $weekday -WednesdayHours1 $weekday -ThursdayHours1 $weekday -FridayHours1 $weekday