25 September 2013

Find a specific TelURI assignment

At times you may lose track of who has been assigned which Tel URI. Although its easy enough to grab a csv of all csusers or even dump to an html file, that is a larger hammer than is required.

A simple Lync Management Shell Script does the job:

Get-CsUser | where {$_.LineURI -eq "tel:+649xxxxxxx" -or $_.PrivateLine -eq "tel:+649xxxxxxx"} | format-table -property DisplayName,LineURI,PrivateLine

The result:

Granted you can search and filter from Lync Control Panel for Tel Uri, there is no way of finding Private Line URI's from the Control Panel

1 comment:

  1. If this is something done often, or by a services desk perhaps make use of LURIA.exe on TechNet gallery See http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Lync-Uri-Assignment-fa585619
